(in category theory/type theory/computer science)
of all homotopy types
of (-1)-truncated types/h-propositions
A partial function between two sets can be turned into a total function by adjoining a further element to and sending all that are not in the domain of definition of to this new value = “undefined” and the rest just to their value under . Conversely, every function with codomain corresponds to a unique partial function to whence is a ‘classifying object’ for these.
More generally, a partial function classifier or partial map classifier of an object in a category is a representing object for partial maps with codomain .
Let be a category with pullbacks. Recall that a partial map in is a span in which the map is a monomorphism. The subobject is called the domain of the partial map. Two partial maps are considered equal if they are related by an isomorphism of spans; in this way we obtain a set of partial maps .
We can compose a partial map with a map in an obvious way. We can also compose it with a map by pulling back the mono to . In this way becomes a profunctor from to itself. (In fact, it is the hom-set of another category with the same objects as .)
A partial map classifier for is an object together with an isomorphism
natural in . By the Yoneda lemma this means there is a universal partial map .
This can be unpacked into the following condition:
A partial map classifier for is uniquely determined by a map with the property that, for every partial map depicted below, there is a unique making a pullback square
For any monomorphism , there is a natural transformation given by forming pullbacks along . It is a natural bijection iff it satisfies the condition of the proposition.
If satisfies the condition of the proposition, then it is a monomorphism, by considering the (total) partial map .
The existence of partial map classifiers for all objects in amounts to the existence of a right adjoint for the inclusion where the latter is the usual category of partial maps of .
In a Boolean extensive category (such as a Boolean topos), we can define the partial map classifier as , where is the terminal object. This is because in an extensive category, a map is equivalent to a decomposition of as a coproduct together with a map (the map being unique), and in a Boolean category every subobject of is complemented and hence induces such a coproduct decomposition. The universal partial map has domain the summand , on which it is the identity. Note that is also known as the maybe monad.
Partial map classifiers also exist in every elementary topos, but in the non-Boolean case they are harder to construct. Letting denote the top element, the dependent product is precisely the map classifying . To wit, with this definition,
Alternatively, in the internal logic, two ways of defining that more closely follow the classical construction are:
is a subobject of the power object consisting of the subsingleton subobjects of . In this case, the universal partial map has domain the set of singleton subobjects of , on which it is an isomorphism.
is the object of partial maps . In this case, the universal partial map has domain the set of partial maps which are total, on which it is an isomorphism.
Note that neither of these constructions is predicative. The second makes more sense in a higher category (or in its internal logic such as homotopy type theory).
In an intuitionistic context, still classifies something: namely partial maps whose domain of definition is a decidable subobject of .
In type theory one uses the partiality monad to treat general recursion as an algebraic effect. In this we we obtain a classifier for recursively enumerable subsets. Is this the first appearance? It is clear that this idea can be generalized to other classes of propositions.
Given objects and of , a partial map from to can be described as a commutative diagram in .
A partial map classifier for in can be described as a representing object for the presheaf on sending to the set of diagrams of this form (modulo choice of representatives for subobjects), together with its structure map , which represents the natural transformation sending this diagram to .
If is a topos and is an object of , there is a pullback in
where corresponds to forgetting the base of a relative partial map, and is the structure map, and corresponds to giving the domain of definition.
Let be an object of . It suffices to show this square is a pullback after applying and the isomorphism to the presheaves these objects represent.
An object of the pullback can be described as an arrow , a subobject , and a partial map with the property that the induced partial maps and are the same partial map (up to choice of representative for the subobject).
This is bijective with the set of commutative diagrams of the form
and the projection to takes the bottom horizontal arrow.
In a topos, the partial map classifier of is injective. The canonical embedding shows accordingly that a topos has enough injectives!
In a topos, the subobject classifier coincides with the monomorphism .
In a topos, the assignment of to is functorial.
Francis Borceux, sec.5.5 in: Handbook of Categorical Algebra vol. 3, Cambridge UP (1994)
Peter Johnstone, Section 1.2 of: Topos theory, London Math. Soc. Monographs 10, Acad. Press 1977, xxiii+367 pp. (Dover reprint 2014)
Peter Johnstone, Section A2.4 in: Sketches of an Elephant
For related topics in homotopy type theory:
Thorsten Altenkirch, Nils Anders Danielsson, Nicolai Kraus, Partiality, Revisited: The Partiality Monad as a Quotient Inductive-Inductive Type [abs:1610.09254]
Martín Escardó, Cory Knapp, Partial Elements and Recursion via Dominances in Univalent Type Theory [doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2017.21]
Discussion for topological spaces:
Last revised on December 22, 2024 at 19:09:39. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.